our commitment to creating raving fans

Here with Team Remo The Realtor, we like to Create Raving Fans. Not only do we support you in finding your new home or selling your property but, we like to take the time to thank you for supporting our work and passion.

Our client pop-bys are our favorite part of our business. It gives us the opportunity to deepen our relationship with our clients of that year by gifting them tokens of appreciation.

Our client pop-bys are our favorite part of our business. It gives us the opportunity to deepen our relationship with our clients of that year by gifting them tokens of appreciation.

Our ‘Concerts In The Park’ event gives us the opportunity to give you the gift of music. Gathering all of our Raving Fans, family, friends & partners at a local park. Where we can all eat & enjoy each other's company while rocking out to mus…

Our ‘Concerts In The Park’ event gives us the opportunity to give you the gift of music. Gathering all of our Raving Fans, family, friends & partners at a local park. Where we can all eat & enjoy each other's company while rocking out to music composed by local artist!

Every year we host our annual “Photo With Santa” Event where families, small & large come take photos with Santa & our team. We then print your photos for the perfect holiday card or momento.

Every year we host our annual “Photo With Santa” Event where families, small & large come take photos with Santa & our team. We then print your photos for the perfect holiday card or momento.

Our annual Client Appreciation Party is an event we look forward to every year. Where we gather all of our Raving Fans, friends, & partners into one arena and express our gratitude, while throwing one of the greatest parties of the year of cours…

Our annual Client Appreciation Party is an event we look forward to every year. Where we gather all of our Raving Fans, friends, & partners into one arena and express our gratitude, while throwing one of the greatest parties of the year of course!